“I’m thankful I didn’t have to wait for blood to be available because I don’t know if my body could have waited.”

“I’m so lucky to be alive and so thankful for a second chance,” says Megan King, who battled an unknown medical condition for several years. Thanks to local blood donors, Megan received blood transfusions at a crucial moment – helping her stay strong and eventually recover.

Searching for answers
Megan’s story begins in the summer of 2011, when she was a healthy, active mom coaching her son Tobey’s baseball team. By fall, Megan learned she was pregnant. She had felt unwell for some time, as many pregnant women do, but Megan’s condition was getting much worse. Then, a few months into her pregnancy, Megan was rushed to the emergency room. This was just the beginning of many trips to the hospital.

Megan experienced uncontrollable shaking, her heart rate and blood pressure would fluctuate, and she would lose consciousness. Doctors thought her symptoms were related to her pregnancy, but testing had to wait. The most important goal was keeping her baby safe. Halfway through her pregnancy, Megan was unable to walk or stand. She was suddenly wheelchair-bound and bedridden. 

Blood donations kept Megan strong
When it was time for Megan to deliver, her hemoglobin level was dangerously low and her doctors were worried she would go into shock. “It was terrifying. I could sense the fear in my doctor’s eyes but she held my hand through the entire delivery, reassuring me that we’d get through this. Something in me knew I was going to make it but I didn’t know how.”

Immediately after delivery, Megan received blood transfusions. “I will never forget how I felt after my blood transfusions. I felt so warm and so good. My body was still a wreck, I couldn’t even move my arms to hold my newborn daughter. I’m thankful I didn’t have to wait for blood to be available because I don’t know if my body could have waited.”

A long road to recovery
Later, Megan’s care team determined she had Lyme disease from chigger bites that had gone undetected. Megan started treatment, but the disease had already caused significant nerve damage. After three years of treatment, including rehab and physical therapy, Megan finally had her life back.

“I feel like my life post-illness is so much more amazing. I wasn’t a grateful person, I was selfish. Now I feel more grateful, I love to give more than ever before.”

Megan now co-hosts KFRX Mornings and shares her story to encourage others to donate blood.